Thursday, March 20, 2008

So many questions, so little time.

Do you know people who ask a lot of questions? I sure do. I have a friend that just plain wears me out because she asks so many questions. She's worse than the box that pops up and asks you if you want to save your work, and even worse than an interrogation officer trying to get the facts out of a criminal. Don't get me wrong, I love her...but, she asks way too many questions.

Questions like: Do you like the color pink? Do you like the singer Pink? Are you trying to lose weight? Do you get to wear jeans to work? Where are we at? Where are we going? Are you for real? Which purse looks like I'd carry it? What's that smell? Are the people that live in this town okay with that smell? Does this look cheap? Does this look expensive?

Even if she doesn't have a real question to ask, she turns a statement into a question with two little words: "you know." No joke, she can take a plain statement of fact or opinion and make it a question with those two words combined. An example:

I can't stand people who are rude to other people, you know?
Cue the nods of agreement to the poor soul conversing with her.

I need a large water, a large root beer, and a large Sprite, okay?

I'm not rich but I like to buy things, you know?
Another nod and a muffled laugh. And finally,

Dear Lord, I love you, you know that?

People who constantly ask questions are either really curious or thrive on other people's opinions. I've learned this just be spending a weekend with my friend. Not only did I catch myself asking stupid and pointless questions after she left, but I was exhausted too. I've never had to answer that many questions in my life before.

So, what do I do about repeat offenders of over-questioning? First off, I stop asking so many questions myself. Secondly, I could stop answering. Or I could just answer her question with a question. Then, we'd never accomplish anything except asking redundant questions. Either way, we're using way to much energy and vocal ability talking to one another. I long for the days when we can just look at someone and speak without opening our mouths. Wait, I think that's called sign language. Shoot....

Well, that's all I've got for this post. I know it wasn't all that intriguing....but, what can you do, right? Ahh, crud! How many questions am I going to put in this one post? It's a downward spiral, I tell you. Once you're aware, you can't stop!

I'll leave you with the first BoredBot to ease your mind:

Click on image to enlarge.

Thanks for reading. Have a Happy Easter, you know?