Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Happening(s)

No, this is not a blog about the new M. Night Shymaylan flick. I wish it was though....

This is a blog about my newest "happenings". So, listen up!

First off, I'm an adult now. Geeze, it's taken me long enough to get here. I moved out of my parent's house about 21 days after my 20th birthday. It wasn't just happened fast. One night I was sleeping on my twin bed, the next night I was entertaining guests in my new living room and then resting my weary head on my oversized queen bed. It's insane. I'm loving it though.

One of the things that wasn't so fun on the day of the move was that my car got a boo-boo. Yes, the car that I haven't put a single dent or scratch on (except for when the garage door decided to close on it). My father was nagging me about putting air in my tires the night that I was moving junk from my old room to the new house. So, instead of going and doing it myself, I tried to con him into doing. Well, it worked and he took off out the door to go put some air in my tires. As I was sitting there eating I heard a loud BOOM from outside and I instantly knew what had happened. When I got up to the door I saw my car and my mother's car bumper to bumper. After he pulled the car back up and my mother went out there to survey the damage, I marched out of the house in a huff and drove my bruised and battered car to the gas station to get a better look at it. My bumper is made out of plastic so it was shattered and my tail light is cracked. Yup, my mom's bumper needs repairing as well. All thanks to my father........

Besides getting my car wrecked, the move went well. It's nice. It's so strange that my roommate and I get excited over the littlest things like: the linen closet, doing laundry, mopping the kitchen floor for the first time, buying Pledge, and grocery shopping. These are all the things that in about a month, we'll be groaning about doing. It's still exciting though.

Last night, as my roommate and I were coming home, we pulled into the driveway to find a opossum standing in our yard. We were intriqued and watched it until he or she took off. For some reason I sensed that it was going to find its way into the shed on the other side of our drive. Sure enough as soon as I said it, the opossum trotted right into a tiny crack in the door. There was a mutual squeal of terror between the both of us as we realized we had rodents living in our shed. Then, as I pushed on the gas to drive my car into the garage, there was another one of them, the same shape, size, and ickiness. The creature was scared and moving in all sorts of directions. We screamed. The poor thing hit the fence (where the dogs were barking). We screamed again. He or she turned to the open the garage. I hit the clicker and we both screamed a third time. The garage door came down and the little rodent ran right towards our car as we sat in the driveway. More screams from the both of us. Finally, it ran around the car, probably to the same place where the other one had found refuge. I quickly pulled the car into the garage and shut the door. So.....we have pets.

I have recieved a lot of comments about my previous post. I did mention a small time-killer that I partake in almost daily, BOREDBOTS. I have more awaiting approval and editing before I can post them.....but, I will post them. It may not be soon but it will happen one day. (That's just for you Greg.....)

OH! I recently read that the WGA heads are setting up meetings with the WGA members in LA and NYC for a final session before they make a deal with the studios. This is it folks, my free time may be slim in about three weeks.

And finally, I had to post a joke I heard from my friend Jeremy. I believe he said he made it, here it is, for the public to enjoy as well:

A proctologist goes into the back after work one day. He has to sign a check so
he reaches into his back pocket for pen, but instead pulls out a rectal
thermometer. He sighs and then goes "Ah man! Some butt hole's got my pen!"

Welp, I know it's not an interesting update or that humorous, but it's all I could think of. So, there will be another post in a few more days. Hang in there folks.



Emily said...

I am so excited for you. All adult. I am jealous. I want to be adult like you! Go Becky!

Nicole Kriener said...

OK when you started off your joke with the whole proctologist thing I was like thinking tomyself "omg Becky's turned into Michael and is telling his joke:

First guy says, "Well, I'm an astronaut, so I drive a Saturn." And the second guy says, "Well, I am a pimp, so I drive a cheap Escort." And the third guy says, "I got you both beat, I'm a proctologist, so I drive a brown Probe."

But you redeeemd yourself and didn't go that route :) Haha. I'm so glad you're having fun in new house and hope you're lovin' it! Let's keep our fingers crossed for writers and hope all is well!

ashley said...

i love reading your blogs... they always put a smile on my face. just thought you'd like to know :) hope the new house is going well for you!