Friday, December 21, 2007

Just Call Me McGuilty

I know, I know. I'm guilty of it. We all are, really.

Guilty of saying ridiculous sayings and stupid phrases. That last sentence in itself was stupid. It just comes naturally, folks.

So, here is my list of stupid phrases and fads. Some I say everyday, some I choose to hate with a passion. Bear with me here.

  1. "Awkward Turtle"- This phrase comes along with its own hand motion too. You take your left hand and place your right hand over it. Then, you rotate your thumbs (only!) and say the phrase in a nasaly tone. Gah, I shudder just thinking about it.
  2. "Ah Snap!"- Now, this is one of my favorites. I say it atleast a million times a day. But, I don't always get the concept. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is "snap" when you've just dissed someone?
  3. "Whatev"- Now...I'm not going to say much on this word because I have a dear friend who was the pioneer of this word in my neck of the woods. It's catchy, I'll tell you that much. But, please...if you're going to say whatever, just finish the word...paraphasing does nothing for this word.
  4. "Darn you all to Heck!"- Seriously, if you really want to "darn everyone to heck", you'd probably be mad enough to actually use the curse words. Just sayin'.
  5. "...somethin' fierce."- This is one of those phrases that gets tagged on to anything that is a big deal, like: "That snow came down somethin' fierce." or "Missy's got a rash that's itchin' somethin' fierce." and my personal favorite, "I will beat you somethin' fierce...." Nuff said.
  6. "Anywho"- Yet again, another one of my choice words. But, it doesn't make much sense. It's just a filler word. Much like, "Melp", "Aight", "Sup", "So", and "Ummm."
  7. "Mc*Somethin'*"- Fill in any word you want. This little fad hails from Grey's Anatomy's "McDreamy" and "McSteamy". Just put your own word in there and you've got yourself a seat at the McCool Table with McLovin and his McNuggets.
  8. "True Story"- I actually like this one. It's a phrase you say when you're in agreement with people after they've explained something. Like this: You're telling your friends g-ma what happened at the party last night. Friend: "So, then Jenny told Kyle that she was tired of him and dumped him right there, Grams!" and you nod and simply say "True story." Then, Granny gets the whole story...
  9. "Sad Day"- This one is much like #8. But, with this one, you simply just agree that someone has had a "sad day." Like this: "So, then Jenny told Kyle that she was tired of him and dumped him right there, Grams!" and you nod and simply say "Sad day." Then, Granny gets the whole story...
  10. "Tickled to Death"- Okay, I heard some lady say this and had an instant epiphery. Just think about this senario: A man in a trenchcoat drops a cigarette and snuffs it out with his shoe. Another man in a black trenchcoat comes out of the shadows. First man speaks "I found the body." The man in black is intrigued "What happened?" and then the first man replies with "Cause of death: tickled." I mean, come on! Has anyone in the history of the world ever died from being tickled? I think we've seen people crying, but never actually giving up the ghost because of it. It's the new Shaken Baby Syndrome or something. Pretty soon we'll have serial killers loose that kill by tickling, and they'll be lovingly named "The Tickle Monster". Think about it. Am I right?

So, there's my list of stupid things I've heard and some I've used. I leave you now with a new mission: What new crazy saying will come out next? My guess? I believe "that's boss" will make a comeback. Much like "groovey" and "oh behave."

Signing out,


Emily said...

Awkward Turtle - I had eard so much about it, thought it was strange. And then I heard people starting to say it. And I started saying it cause I am weird like that. But I still think its strange. However... I think I've said it once or twice. Normally I just stick with awkward!
Most of the others I agree with..... or haven't really ever heard (must be said more out in your neck of the woods!)

Nicole Kriener said...

Oh gosh, Becky, you must hate me for talking then! Haha I was reading this and I was like ok I say like alllll of these! True story, sad day, anyhoo,awkward turtle, etc.


I swear I won't be annoying again! haha

Emily said...

yes nicole you are so annoying. i know you've said true story and sad day, can't recall any times you've said the others

Lisa said...

Now I always thought that the phrase was "tickled pink" so I have to agree with you that "tickled to death" does't quite create the same picture...however on an off day for me I was most likely the one you heard say "tickled to death" you know I'm working with -.25 brain capacity. LOL