Monday, February 9, 2009

My Journey to the Center of the UNIVERSE!

Yes, I have been to the Center of the Universe! It's right Oklahoma! Can't believe it?! Well....I'm telling you, you should believe it!

I had heard a few years ago that there was this place in Downtown Tulsa where strange happenings occur. I was sceptical, of course, thinking that my friend who told me about the location was inebriated at the time they had visited. Still yet, it intrigued me.

This past weekend, I finally went out on a limb and ventured to find this "mystical" place. One evening after a sufficient dinner at the Spaghetti Warehouse (why is it a warehouse?!), my boyfriend and I drove a few blocks over and found the footbridge over the railroad tracks. As we approached the bridge, we could see a few people sitting around, playing guitars, singing, and another couple admiring a large art-deco statue on the other side of the "universe."
We came to the top of the bridge, and went right past the main focal point of this location to see what the large statue was. There was a man standing directly under the object banging on it. Immediately I thought "He's a pshyco. Get my boyfriend away from him. Let's run!" Of course, boys don't have the same thoughts that girls get in those situations so he started to talk to the creeper. Eventually, we find out that the stoned guy thinks there is a "god" or "spirit" inside the tall statue and that anyone can summon it or feel it by ringing the large "door knocker" type handle on the base of the piece. The man proceeds to bang on the metal statue and say things like "Did you feel that?" and "I already hit it once....with my head." No joke. You can't make this stuff up.

So, after pulling away from all the excitement at the statue, we finally took a chance and stood in the "Center of the Universe" to see if it was what everyone said it would be. I stood in the center (which is just a manhole cover, basically) first and was told to say something...and just wait. So, I started talking, but didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. Then, my boyfriend gave it a try and his face lit up. He said "Weird!" and I honestly thought he was pulling my leg because when I was standing in the supposed Center, I felt no different than outside the circle of bricks. He told me to try it again. So, I stood there, on a bridge in downtown Tulsa, on a manhole cover, talking to myself. Now who was the pshyco?

Then, I heard it....I heard what everyone was raving about....the echo of my own voice in my ears. What's so spectacular about this echo is that it's only audible to the person standing in this one spot on the bridge. And, no one outside the center can hear your echo. They can hear you talk, but cannot hear the supernatural echo. People say that the echo that is created is a building is close enough to create the echo, and there isn't some dome to create it either. It's a mystery.....but, a very cool mystery.

After years of wondering about this unexplainable phenomena in Tulsa, I've finally discovered it. It's just odd enough to be interesting....and a fun date night adventure. It's free, open 24/7, and something you can't experience anywhere else.....well, unless you're the stoned man by the statue. I'm sure he experiences things like this all the time.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Do do do do do do do do... No, I don't need a restroom, I'm channeling the twighlight zone.