Thursday, September 17, 2009


So, it's been awhile, blogger friends. I truly apologize for my truancy. It's been an odd couple of months and it has kept me from doing what I love to do most: blog!

Since I've been struggling with how to sum up all my happenings into an intriguing little blog, I figured I'd just put random facts about what I've been up to. Ready for this? It's going to be great, I just know it. If it's not, I'll surely use that lovely little "bksp" button.

1. I was "laid off" of my job.
2. I saw 6 racoons run up a tree in front of my house.
3. I've swept my floors a total of three times since my last post.
4. My brake pads were changed on my car.
5. Project Runway is my new personal favorite reality show.
6. I was in my friend's outdoor wedding.....while it rained.
7. I firmly believe Bobby Flay is the anti-Christ. (Sorry, was a toss up.)
8. I've consumed way too many Tostino's Party Pizzas.
9. My niece Kennedy turned 1!
10. I'm not single, nor am I engaged or married. So, make your own conclusions.
11. Unemployment Benefits rock!
12. I went in a casino for the first time a month ago. No, I didn't gamble....just sat amoungst the smoke and booze. Oh, and heard an amazing band called The Effects. (<---some cools dudes!)
13. Read the Twilight Series in a week. My opinion: Eh....
14. I sat through a 7 hour unemployment seminar. I learned nothing.
15. I used a George Foreman Grill: the lean mean, fat reducing, grilling machine!
16. Killed a plant I bought from Wal-Mart in a matter of 2 days.
17. Planted some seeds I bought from Target and they're sprouting. Suck on that, Wal-Mart!
18. I've been on 3 interviews that seemed hopeful.....
19. I'm jobless.
20. I should of used the "bksp" button. Right?!

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